Prevention of delinquency and crime among young people, combating the threats of the modern world such as terrorism and extremism and taking effective measures to strengthen security were among the issues discussed during a meeting of police officers with the administration and students of Khatlon State Medical University in Danghara. were.
It should be noted that during the purposeful event, which was held at the university before the meeting, the cases of students coming to class, preventing the use of mobile phones and personal cars by students, compliance with discipline and rules of education and dress at the university were thoroughly investigated. were given.
Then, the meeting with the leadership and staff of faculty and students of Khatlon State Medical University was attended by employees of the Youth Department of the Department of Prevention and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and expressed their views on current issues.
At the meeting, police officers discussed issues related to the prevention of joining extremist parties and movements, the risk of the spread of infectious diseases, compliance with all rules of hygiene, including personal hygiene, noting that young people, especially students, should study science. and mastering modern knowledge with a high sense of responsibility and striving to meet and meet all the requirements of higher education.
As it was mentioned, with the direct initiative of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon the beautification works are gaining momentum throughout the country, including in Danghara district. And it is a matter of pride and support that the youth of the country make a significant contribution to such beautification and creative work.
It should be noted that this higher education institution is one of the newly established institutions of the country. Thanks to the efforts of the university administration, the rules of teaching and learning in this institution of higher education are established at the appropriate level, and all the requirements for education in the country's universities are observed and met here.
Khatlon State Medical University is exemplary both in terms of the quality of education and knowledge of students, as well as in terms of compliance with the relevant requirements in the field of education and health. Indeed, the appearance of the students of this university, the observance of the rules of dress and their participation in classes is commendable. Also, the cleanliness of the courtyard of the university and the decoration of its interior with various posters added another dimension.
Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan