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Category: Finance

Azerbaijan-Iraq business council established within Baku Forum

BAKU: A new Azerbaijan-Iraq Business Council has been established within the framework of the Azerbaijan-Iraq Business Forum held in Baku, Trend reports.

An agreement formalizing the council was signed between the two countries.

The document was sig…

Baku holds Azerbaijan-Iraq business forum (PHOTO)

BAKU: The Azerbaijan-Iraq business forum has held in Baku, Trend reports from the event.

Key speakers included Azerbaijan’s Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov, Iraqi Minister of Trade Atheer Daoud Al-Ghurairy, Executive Director of AZPROMO Yusuf Ab…

Iran releases currency exchange rates for September 17

BAKU: The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) put up an official exchange rate for foreign currencies on September 17, Trend reports via the CBI.

According to the bank’s currency exchange rate, 45 currency prices grew and 31 decreased compared to

“mygov” needs to avoid becoming monopoly – chairperson

BAKU: It is crucial that the “mygov” platform does not turn into a monopoly, Chairperson of the Innovation and Digital Development Agency under Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Transport and Digital Development Inara Valiyeva stated during the presentation of…