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Ceremonial event dedicated to Police Day

During 30 years of independence, with the full support of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, the Tajik police has made significant progress. Police officers are under the special care and attention of the President and try to be faithful to their oath, – said the head of the Passport and Registration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Khalilzoda Hussein Sobir at a ceremony dedicated to Police Day.

Hussein Khalilzoda also noted that at all times the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has tried to be successful in carrying out its activities and proudly fulfill their mission. Only over the past ten years, with the support of the Government and the consistent efforts of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel-General of Police Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro has made significant progress in all departments, divisions and subdivisions of law enforcement agencies, especially HSB and its subdivisions in all regions of the country. personal working and living conditions are provided.

– Today, each of us must appreciate the support and care of the leadership of the state, the constant efforts of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, peace and tranquility, the sacrifices of our colleagues in the fight against crime and maintaining public order.

I am confident that today the police officers will be able to proudly perform their duties and withstand high crime, professionalism, courage and bravery against any crime, – added the speaker.

During the event, the head of the analytical, legal and control department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Boymahmad Rajabzoda spoke about the colorful pages of law enforcement agencies, the achievements and perseverance of police officers in combating crime and maintaining public order and the achievements of law enforcement agencies since independence.

At the end of the meeting, the head of the service, Colonel Hussein Khalilzoda, once again congratulated the participants and all police officers on their professional holiday. maintenance of public order, protection of the interests of citizens, exemplary discipline and in honor of the Police Day were awarded medals, Certificates of Honor and Certificates of Merit.

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan