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Dushanbe, Sughd authorities allocate funds to provide one-off aids to war veterans

The one-off aid will be provided on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The press service of the Dushanbe Administration says 288,600 somonis have been allocated to provide these on-off aids.

War veterans will receive 3,000 somonis (equivalent to US$240.00) each, while rear labor veterans, the spouses of the servicemen who died in that war, veterans of Soviet-Afghan War, Chernobyl cleanup operation participants and families whose breadwinners died defending the constitutional order in Tajikistan will receive 800 somonis (equivalent to US$64.00).

Citing the Council of Veterans of War and Labor, Avesta news agency reported on April 18 that only 9 veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are estimated to be still alive in Dushanbe.

In Dushanbe, the one-off aids will be provided to war veterans on May 7.

Meanwhile, SUGDNEWS says Sughd governor signed a decision on providing one-off aids to veterans of the Gret Patriotic War of 1941-1945and persons equated to them on April 25.

The Sughd regional administration has reportedly allocated 477,000 somonis to provide these one-off aids.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will receive 6,000 somonis each, while military spouses left without a guardian and rear labor veterans will receive 3,000 somonis each.

108,000 somonis have reportedly been allocated to provide one-off aids to 18 veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 living in Sughd province and 369,000 somonis have been allocated to provide one-off aids to 123 rear labor veterans and military spouses left without a guardian living northern Tajikistan.

According to the Council of Veterans of War and Labor, only 59 veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are estimated to be still alive in Tajikistan as of April 20, 2022.

Nine of them live in Dushanbe, 19 in Sughd province, 18 in Khatlon province, 2 in Tursunzoda city, 1 in Roudaki district, three in Shahrinav district, three in Hisor district, two in Varzob district, one in Fayzobod district, and one in Sangvor district.

According to Avesta news agency, the youngest veterans are Salom Safarov from Varzob district and Rajab Qurbonov from Sangvor district. They are 96 year old each.

The oldest war veteran is Rashid Karimov from Hisor City; he will be 110 years old on May 9.

Last year, there were 98 veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 being estimated to be still alive in Tajikistan.

More than 270,000 residents of Tajikistan took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and more than 100,000 of them died in battle.

64 of residents of Tajikistan were reportedly given the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Besides, 15 other Tajikistan’s residents were Full Holders of the Order of Glory.

Victory Day marks the end of World War II in Europe, specifically the capitulation of Nazi forces to the Allies (the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France, the United States and other principal Allied nations) on May 8, 1945.

In Russia and other countries of former Soviet Union, the day of Victory over Nazi Germany is celebrated on May 9, because when the German Instrument of Surrender actually entered into force (May 8, 1945 at 23:01 CET), it was already May 9 by Moscow time. Post-Soviet countries have continued the tradition.

Source: Asia-Plus