At a meeting of the Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Subsoil Use and Industrial Policy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, representatives of Kumtor Gold Company CJSC said how much gold was mined under the former president Almazbek Atambayev.
Deputy Seidbek Atambaev asked about the volume of precious metal mined from 2011 to 2017.
The president of the gold mining company, Almaz Baryktabasov, responded that 112 tons of gold had been mined in six years.
«Last time, Balbak Tulobaev said that 1.8 tons of gold were mined under Almaz Atambayev. Therefore, answer clearly so that there are no misunderstandings,» Seidbek Atambayev said.
Earlier, deputy of Parliament Balbak Tulobaev proposed to repay the debt to China ahead of schedule in gold.
«During the presidency of Almazbek Atambayev, 1.8 tons of gold were mined. Then about 18 tons, now — more than 51 tons. If we are able to pay off our debt to China, why don’t we do it? After all, we lived without these 51 tons of gold,» the deputy said.
Source: News Agency