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Pedestrian killed under Opel Astra wheel

On June 26, 2021, at approximately 9:00 p.m., the driver of an Opel Astra, Kholov Salomiddin Khairuddinovich, born in 1966, a resident of Jaihun District, was driving from Jaihun District to J. Balkhi District when Goibov Zarobiddin Ilhomiddinovich, born in 1961, resident of Qumsangir jamoat, Hilol village, was hit by a car on the Dushanbe-Bokhtar-Panji-Poyon highway.
As a result, the pedestrian, Goibov ZI received bodily injuries and died at the hospital.
An investigation is under way.

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan