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Plan for Influx of 3.5 Billion Somoni into State Budget Completed for 2022

The budget revenue plan was fulfilled by 103.3%. Instead of 3.45 million somoni, 3.56 million somoni was received by the state budget, which is 114.6 million somoni more than envisaged, reported the Tax Committee under the Government of Tajikistan.

During this period, the implementation of the tax and payment plan in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region was ensured by 106.3%, in the Khatlon region by 101.8%, in the Sughd region by 106.1%, in Dushanbe by 102.1%, and in cities and districts of republican subordination by 102.6%.

In the first quarter of 2022, the Tax Committee uncovered 484 million somoni of taxes which were concealed or not fully reported.

As a result of the Tax Committee’s investigative work, 375 million somoni was received into the budget, which is 50 million somoni more than in the same period last year.

Measures are being taken to correct the identified shortcomings and make funds to the budget.

Source: National information agency of Tajikistan