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Qualifiers of Central Asia’s Got Talent Begin in Tajikistan

Today, the qualifying round of the TV competition Central Asia’s Got Talent began in Tajikistan. The event is broadcast through 5 TV channels, NTK of Kazakhstan, Sevimli of Uzbekistan, KTRK of Kyrgyzstan, TV Safina of Tajikistan, as well as Khazar TV of Azerbaijan.

Talented residents of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, regardless of age and occupation, can take part in this TV competition.

The competition is held in five stages: casting, open trials, quarterfinals, semi-finals, and grandfinals. In the first round, the talents are selected by the jury, in the last round, the main winner is chosen by the audience via SMS.

In 2019, the young Tajik singer Chorshanbe Alovatov became the winner of the absolute competition and the recipient of 10 million Kazakhstani tenge, equivalent to more than $26,000 of the main competition prize. His victory was achieved by through the vote of the residents four Central Asian republics.

Alovatov was one of 12 participants in the final round of Central Asia’s Got Talent and the only representative of Tajikistan.

Alovatov performed the song in the final, first in Italian and then in Tajik.

It is assumed that tomorrow a press conference with the participation of the Tajik singer Alovatov will take place at TV Safina.

Source: National information agency of Tajikistan