A state crisis center for women and girls affected by sexual and domestic violence is planned to be opened in Bishkek. The head of the Department for Gender Policy and Coordination for Protection from Domestic Violence of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration of Kyrgyzstan Gulmira Okoeva told 24.kg news agency.
According to her, more than 3 million soms are provided in the republican budget for these purposes in 2023.
The center will be located in the premises of the Republican Institution of Prosthetic and Orthopedic Products. It will work based on «single window» principle.
«Today, if a woman has been subjected to violence, she needs to undergo a forensic medical examination, contact the internal affairs bodies, social development, treatment and prevention organizations, and crisis centers. That is, there are no comprehensive services for the victims. They will appear in the new center,» Gulmira Okoeva said.
The center will have about 10 beds, the area does not allow for more. The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers has already been prepared, and in the near future it will be sent for approval to the relevant ministries and departments. The technical assistance to the Ministry of Labor in the repair and equipping of the center is provided by a development partner — the UN Office on Drugs and Crime.
The first municipal crisis center in the republic Ayalzat was opened in Bishkek in March 2021. Then it was reported that a similar institution would appear in the southern region.
«Funds for creation of the state crisis center were budgeted, we have been planning its opening for a long time. But the problem arose with the room. It had to meet sanitary requirements and have suitable area,» explained Gulmira Okoeva.
The center in Bishkek is planned to be opened in autumn 2023.
In total, according to Gulmira Okoeva, there are 18 crisis centers in the republic that provide services to women and girls who have suffered from gender-based violence. Only one of them is municipal, the rest are created by non-profit organizations.
Source: 24.kg News Agency