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Talking to students on current topics

The event, held at Dangara State University, was attended by officials from the Youth Department of the Department for Prevention and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result of this initiative, attendance and attendance rules, as well as the way students dress at this university meet the requirements.

In an interview with the administration of the university, which took place after the event, the sides discussed issues related to the consequences of short-sightedness of some young people, the reasons for joining the ranks of extremist parties and movements, the threat of terrorism and extremism today and the spread of infectious diseases. .

Referring to the crime situation among young people, including students, the issue of education and the level of their legal education and culture, it was noted that young people should use every moment of student life and make efforts to master modern sciences and foreign languages. .

As it was mentioned, the administration of this university should be in close contact with the parents of students and in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and other relevant agencies should prevent any illegal actions.

During this purposeful event and meeting with students of the university police officers discussed various aspects of the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education", "On Youth and State Youth Policy", "On parental responsibility for training and education of children", "On regulation of traditions and celebrations in the Republic of Tajikistan ”and other relevant documents in the field of education and vocational training.

It should be noted that Dangara State University is one of the newly established universities in the country, which was established by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on May 2, 2013 on the basis of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shohtemur in Dangara.

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan