Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan


Cabinet of Ministers holds expanded meeting

Chaired by Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov, an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the drafts of the state budget and summary budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2024 and indicators of the summary budget for the next three years, as well as the economic and social development concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2024 and the following three years and discussions of forecast indicators has been held. Addressing the meeting, Prime Minister Ali Asadov highlighted the successful local anti-terrorist measures carried out by Azerbaijani Army a few days ago under the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. He emphasized that the glorious Azerbaijani Army fulfilled all the tasks in just one day. PM Ali Asadov highlighted the country's economic development indicators, noting that 2.6 percent increase was recorded in the non-oil sector, and 6 percent increase in the non-oil industry during the eight months of the current year. 'Currently, the country's financial situation has significantly improved, strategic foreign exchange reserves have reached $67 billion, which means 14.5 percent increase since the beginning of the year. The state budget of 2023 was revised and budget revenues increased by 3.1 billion manats or 10.1 percent, and budget expenses increased by 3.3 billion manats or 9.8 percent,' Prime Minister Ali Asadov added. Azerbaijani's Minister of Finance Samir Sharifov, Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Sahil Babayev, Prime Minister of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Sabuhi Mammadov delivered reports on the upcoming issues. Following the speeches, the participants discussed the issues on the agenda.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency