Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan

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Resident of Isfara detained on suspicion of fraud committed nine years ago

A resident of the northern city of Isfara, Sughd province, has been detained on suspicion of fraud committed nine years ago, according to the Interior Ministry's official website. 'Entering the trust in his fellow citizen, the suspect took 13,000 US dollars from him in February 2014, promising to help with the allocation of land for housing in the city. Since then, the victim has not received either a land plot or money,' says report released by the Interior on March 7. Criminal proceedings have been instituted against the 56-year-old suspect under the provisions of Article 247 of Tajikistan's Penal Code - fraud; an investigation is under way. The country's Penal Code stipulates that such a crime is punishable by a fine equal to the amount ranging from 250 to 365 calculating indicators (current calculating indicators is equal to 68.00 somonis) or by up to three years in prison. According to data from the Interior Ministry, 1,856 cases of fraud were registered in Tajikistan last year, which is 394 cases fewer than in the previous year of 2021.

Source: Asia-Plus