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Tajikistan Receives Software as Part of the UN Project

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) provided assistance to the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan in purchasing licensed software.

According to the Agency, as part of the project “Strengthening demographic statistics in Tajikistan”, funded by the Russian government, the UNFPA provided technical support to the Agency for Statistics in purchasing licensed software for processing materials from the population and housing census of Tajikistan.

The Agency clarified that the necessary software was provided to the republic — ABBY FINE READER, MS Windows and MS SQL.

The UNFPA has been providing various kinds of support to the Agency for Statistics for several years now.

“UNFPA support is especially tangible in the preparation and conduct of the 2020 population and housing census,” the Agency said.

In particular, assistance was provided in the preparation of legislative acts, draft questionnaires for the population and housing census and the draft budget for 2017-2022, holding seminars for specialists from departments, census departments of regions, cities and districts in preparation for the population and housing census.

Financial support was also provided for the exchange of experience of Agency’s specialists in studying new technologies for conducting a population and housing census.

Source: National information agency of Tajikistan