Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan


Tirana to host PABSEC General Assembly’s 63rd plenary session

The 63rd plenary session of the General Assembly of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) will be held in Albania's capital city of Tirana. Azerbaijan will be represented at the event by Chairman of the Milli Majlis Counting Commission Eldar Guliyev, Head of the PABSEC Azerbaijani delegation, Chairman of the Labor and Social Policy Committee of the Milli Majlis Musa Guliyev, MPs Jala Ahmadova and Kamran Bayramov. The main issues placed on the Draft Agenda of the General Assembly are "Strengthening Regional Economic Cooperation to Enhanse Encountering Common Security Challenges", "Cooperation among the BSEC Member States in Energy Trading", "The Role of Parliaments in Promoting Intercultural Dialogue and Tolerance in the Fight against Hate Speech", "Investing in Human Capital for Innovation and Prosperity in the BSEC REgion". Azerbaijani MPs will share their views on the agenda items. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency