Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan


WFP Tajikistan Country Brief, August 2021

In Numbers

1,249 people assisted in August 2021

4.8 mt of food assistance distributed

US$ 2.6 m six months net funding requirements (Sept 21-Feb 22)

Operational Updates

• An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 occurred in Rasht Valley on July 10, 2021. Field reports indicated that earthquake affected 16 villages in Tojikobod, Rasht and Sangvor districts. Damage and needs assessment were conducted by a national emergency commission led by Prime Minister of Tajikistan and the Committee of Emergency Situation and Civil Defense under the Government of Tajikistan (CoES) at national and regional level. WFP is supporting the construction and rehabilitation of 70 houses that were completely or partially destroyed by earthquake through capacity development and augmentation to support postdisaster reconstruction. WFP signed an agreement with Public Organisation “Markazi Dastgirii Gharm” to implement the project activities. A Tripartite Agreement between WFP, CoES and “Markazi Dastgirii Gharm” was also signed to facilitate the implementation of post-disaster reconstruction activities. The project will last three months, from September 2021 to November 2021.

• A regional coordination council on the implementation of National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the School Feeding up to 2027 was established in Sughd Region. The regional coordination council, which is led by the deputy head of Sughd Region, Zaynura Azimi, will coordinate the work of the relevant governmental bodies on improving the school feeding and nutrition based on the national strategy priorities at regional level.

Currently, WFP School Feeding Programme covers more than 600 schools in 15 towns and districts of Sughd Region.

• In August, WFP and the local authorities of Istaravshan town in Sughd Region inaugurated a greenhouse and a water well in school number 35. The greenhouse and the water well were established through financial support of the Russian Federation.

Source: World Food Programme