Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan


Fertilizer smuggling to Tajikistan stopped in Batken

Smuggling of mineral fertilizers to Tajikistan stopped in Batken region of Kyrgyzstan. This was reported by Tazabek.kg with reference to the press service of the State Committee for National Security of this country dated January 3.


According to a report on January 1, 2023, an attempt to illegally transport mineral fertilizers was stopped from the territory of the village of Uch-Dobo, Batken district, Batken region, to the border village of Khoja-Alo, Isfara district, Sughd region, Tajikistan.


“Citizens of Kyrgyzstan born in 1994 using the Audi 100 car, they tried to establish a smuggling channel and intended to transport small quantities of goods to the territory of Tajikistan through the nearest border area”, – the message says.


According to the press service, as a result, the car and cargo – 7 bags of saltpeter – were confiscated, operational measures are being taken on this fact.


Source: Asia-Plus