Tajikistan News Gazette

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President of the Tajik National Academy of Sciences Compares Armed Aggression of Kyrgyzstan with the Attacks of International Terrorist Groups

President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Farhod Rahimi compared Kyrgyzstan’s armed aggression on the territory of Tajikistan to the attacks of international terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda* and ISIS*.

Yesterday, speaking at an international conference in London dedicated to the 11th anniversary of the death of Burhoniddin Rabbani, he mentioned that a few days ago, independent Tajikistan was subjected to a brutal attack by Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which dozens of innocent women, children and civilians were killed, and hundreds of houses of local residents were destroyed.

“The aggressors even attacked the cathedral mosque with drones during prayer and killed dozens of worshipers, which is unacceptable from both an Islamic and human point of view, similar to the attacks of international terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda* and ISIS*, which violates all the provisions of international and universal documents,” said Rahimi.

He informed the participants that the attacked were preplanned, and even before the outbreak of hostilities, Kyrgyzstan was creating fake online groups in different languages ​ and attracting foreign hackers to block social networks andTajik sites in order to distort reality and the spread of lies.

However, according to Rahimi, by its treachery and irresponsibility, using the high platform of the UN, Kyrgyzstan distorts this reality throughout the world, incorrectly and one-sidedly assesses what is happening and tries to convince the world to accept their lies and slander.

Expressing the position of Tajikistan, he recalled that over the past 30 years, Kyrgyzstan has carried out more than 200 armed attacks on Tajikistan.

“We have never been the first to threaten or carry out an armed attack on a neighboring country. We have not seized plots of their land, on the contrary, they live on the lawful lands of our country, which they seized in various ways during the Soviet period. By our actions we defended only our land and our national interests. I think that all these riots, treachery and encroachments on the sacred land of my country — Tajikistan — will not give rest to the souls of our great personalities, such as Burhonidin Rabbani and Ahmad Shah Massoud, hundreds and thousands of great Tajiks and Persians,” he added

He addressed the conference participants and urged them to be together with Tajikistan in conveying the truth and not to distorting reality, as well as in assisting in presenting the reality of this conflict and the position of our country in the international arena.

The International Conference dedicated to the 11th anniversary of the death of Burhoniddin Rabbani was held on September 23 in London.


Source:  National information agency of Tajikistan


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