Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan


SDG Investor Map in Azerbaijan comes out with investment shots

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Investor Map in Azerbaijan offers ten investment opportunities separated into four industries and four additional regions with opportunities. Funda Suzer, head of the group on investing in the effect of the UNDP's Istanbul International Center for Private Sector Development (ICPSD), stated at the second Baku Forum on Sustainable Development, dedicated to "Sustainable financing and investment", Trend reports. "The first sector is infrastructure. Priority investment opportunities include industrial wastewater treatment, disposal and recycling of non-hazardous waste, recycling of hazardous waste, including all precipitation, as well as trade and logistics centers. These directions also reflect the state priorities of Azerbaijan. An emerging investment opportunity within this sector is the construction of smart villages," Suzer said. "The second industry is food and beverage production, generally known as agriculture. Modern irrigation systems and technologies, as well as clever software solutions for agricultural and food processing, are investment prospects in this area. These regions also reflect the government's efforts to grow the food industry and encourage the sustainable use of water resources for the national food system.," she said. "The third sector is renewable resources and alternative energy, reflecting the forced desire to lessen reliance on the oil and gas sectors. Energy generation from solid home and business waste, as well as solar energy systems on roofs, are among the prospective investment opportunities. Emerging investment potential in this sector include large-scale wind farms on land and at sea, large-scale solar farms, and gas capture technology," she said. Going further, Suzer noted that the fourth sector is services.

Source: TREND News Agency