Tajikistan News Gazette

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Several employees of Azerbaijani State Tax Service receive awards for service – decree

BAKU: President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed a decree on awarding a number of employees of the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan, Trend reports. For services in the development of the tax system, the following employees of the State Tax Service were awarded: 'For service to Motherland' order of 3rd degree - Ilkin Valiyev 'For Distinction in State Service' medal - Orkhan Musayev 'For Distinction in Tax Service' medal of 1st degree - Veli Abdullayev, Javid Kengerli, Fakhraddin Musayev, Elkhan Suleymanli, Farman Shahinzade 'For Distinction in Tax Service' medal of 2nd degree - Fuad Makhmudov, Ramiz Magerramov. 'For Distinction in Tax Service' medal of 3rd degree - Rashad Akhmedov. Source: Trend News Agency