Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan


Tajik authorities extend winter holidays for school students due to cold weather

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan brings to attention of institutions, school students, as well as teachers and parents that due to cold weather winter holidays will be extended until January 16, 2023.

In accordance with the order issued by the Ministry on January 10, 2023, classes in preschool institutions and schools will start on January 16 and the missed classes will be held in the second half of the 2022-2023 academic year at the expense of spring and summer holidays.

At the same time, education directorates of Dushanbe, the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Sughd and Khatlon provinces as well cities and districts subordinate to the center are instructed to take adequate measures to ensure school students’ going on holidays.

According to data from the Hydrometeorology Agency of Tajikistan, during the period from January 11 to January 14, the weather will get colder in the country. In plains, nighttime temperatures are expected to fluctuate from -14ºC to -19ºC, and in mountain areas, nighttime temperatures are expected to fluctuate from -19ºC to -24ºC.

Source: Asia-Plus