By shutting down the Internet we are fighting information terrorism, says Tajik official

“Today, information has become the main tool in conflicts and confrontations, and information extremism is gaining more and more strength,” Atoyev noted.

“Information terrorism has an adverse effect on the individual, society and the state. It main goal is to weaken and overthrow the constitutional order. …Therefore, according to the country’s legislation and on the basis of Articles 33 and 34 of Tajikistan’s law on communications, we are obliged to ensure information security of citizens, society and state,” Tajik official added.

Meanwhile, residents of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region have not had access to the Internet for more than two months.

Protests in different parts of Tajikistan have led to internet restrictions. The November events in GBAO left citizens unable to access online content.

The Internet was shut down in the region following the protests that broke out in Khorog, the capital of GBAO, on November 25 after security forces killed a local man wanted on charges of kidnapping. Protesters demanded a probe into his death.

Source: Asia-Plus