Tajikistan News Gazette

News From Tajikistan

Day: May 20, 2023


Statement was voiced at protest action in Berlin regarding Khordad incidents

On May 20, a protest action was held in Berlin, the capital of Germany, regarding the 17th anniversary of the Khordad events, APA reports.The final statement was read at the “Freedom, Justice, National Government” Berlin action.The statement reads:”To…


Several reported dead after tourist plane crashes in Switzerland

A tourist plane crashed in a mountainous area of western Switzerland on Saturday, reportedly leaving several people dead, APA reports citing Al Arabiya.Regional police confirmed that a plane had crashed near Ponts-De-Martel in the Swiss canton of Neuc…


Spanish F-18 fighter jet crashes at Zaragoza air base-VIDEO

An F-18 fighter jet crashed on Saturday at the Zaragoza Air Base in northeastern Spain, the Spanish Air and Space Force said, adding the pilot managed to eject before it hit the ground, APA reports citing Sputnik.”This morning, there was an accident a…


Plane crashes in Croatia, rescuers search for crew

Rescuers found the remains of a light aircraft that crashed on Saturday in the mountainous region of the northwestern Croatia but could not confirm if any crew members were found, the HINA state news agency announced, APA reports citing Reuters.The se…


Pope Francis assigns Italian Cardinal to Ukraine peace mission

Pope Francis has asked Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, head of the Italian bishops’ conference, to carry out a peace mission to try to help end the war in Ukraine, the Vatican said on Saturday, APA reports citing Reuters.Francis first spoke cryptically of his …


Threats to freedom of speech are growing in Kyrgyzstan – report

Researchers from the International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) and the Legal Prosperity Foundation (LPF), as part of their collaboration with CIVICUS Monitor, have prepared an interim report showing growing threats to freedom of speech in Kyrg…


Elena Kalashnikova placed in SCNS remand center for two months

The head of the Tourism Development Support Fund, Elena Kalashnikova, and its Vice President, Alexander Valitov, were placed in the remand center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS). Own sources informed 24.kg news agency…


“Gnay Bank” OJSC officially declared bankrupt

“Gnay Bank” OJSC, whose license was revoked by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) on 16 May, has been officially declared bankrupt. This decision was made by the Baku Commercial Court. As expected, the Deposit Insurance Fund of Azerbaijan was appoin…


Iran records minor growth in cargo traffic via local airports

The volume of cargo transportation through Iranian airports from March 21 through April 20, 2023 grew, Trend reports via the Iran Airports and Air Navigation Company (IAC).According to the company, this figure amounted to 28,600 tons, which is one per…